About Us

We are pleased to introduce you our company "SHIPTECK MARINE SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED" duly registered with Directorate General of Shipping having Recruitment and Placement Services License (RPSL-MUM-309) professional and ship Management Company having its registered office at heart of Commercial City of Goa which is also the pivot of Indian seafaring trade and Industry.


Ship Conversion

Converting, upgrading or repurposing existing vessels to perform a new role is often more cost and

Crew Manning

Our Crew manning services is the maritime services rendered to maintain and

Technical Management

Our Technical management services is the maritime services rendered to maintain and

Drydocking And Repair Works

Our expert team provides smooth Management of Dry-Docking Repairs and Upgrading.

Professional Consultancy

Our Marine Engineers provide technical consultancy on the design, construction,repair and

Ship Inspection

Our Ship inspection involves a detailed technical examination of the vessel, its machinery, equipment and

New Ship Building

Ship building involves construction of new vessels from scratch in a shipyard facility.

Ship Management

The company should supervise the maintenance of machinery onboard the

Special Project

Our shipping company programs provide you with the best shipping options for materials,